Monday, June 23, 2008


Musings by Ahirah:

Sorry for being away for so long. I've been feeling kinda lazy and haven't done as much writing as I should have. Not to mention the fact that "Towns" is waiting on getting another laptop. Having no computer at your fingertips can slow things down.

Good news! I'm still working on the Elemental Series. I'm on Chapter 5 and the story is coming along nicely. Perhaps I'll post a tidbit from it later and get some opinions on it.

I also have not forgotten about posting interviews from some known and unknown authors. That will happen later this week. Again I'm sorry for not posting. It'll never happen again.

Some topics I plan on talking about later in the week include dreams, weight loss and a great book that I'm reading by Julia Cameron called A Writer's Diet. It is awesome.

Hope everyone is having a great summer.

Here are some goals of mine to complete for the summer-

Get a learning permit by July 4th.

Re-edit two novellas and resubmits them to E-pubs.

Finish Elementals book #1 rough draft.

Lose 20 pounds by the middle of August.

Heck...that's enough for now. It's good to be back. See you tomorrow.