Today is a writing and critique day and I don't have a lot of time to blog so I thought I'd give a shout out to all the ARIES!
Even though my birthday has come and gone. The next holiday on the calendar is my 6th Wedding Anniversary.
I still can't believe I've been married for 6 years.
Anyway...back to Aries, which is the best sign by the way. I was looking around on the web and came across this. Lets see if I fit the mold.
Adventures are Us!- ya that's me.
Love fast food- dang that is so me.
Never boring-like I'd admit to that.
Make a great pioneer-Don't think so.
Oh! That Temper- Just ask my husband.
Always want to be first in Line-of course! Someone has to be first, why not ME.
Leap before looking-remember I'm adventurous.
Passionate! Passionate! Passionate!-why in the heck do you think I write erotic romances.
Well 9 out of 10 ain't bad. It's official...
I'm An Aries!
I know I'm crazy but I was in a fun mood today. Stay tuned. Soon you'll get to meet and learn more about the new erotic romance author, Bekki Lynn.